Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Happy 1 and half years Cooper William!

Having a summer birthday, I am a big celebrator (is that a word) of half birthdays! In fact, I still acknowledge mine to this day, January 7th in case you are wondering. :) Can't believe our Cooper turned a year and a half this past weekend.  Here's the latest, haven't done one of these posts in a while, so bear with me. It is more of a document for me, as I forget so quickly what he was just doing months ago!

*loves to give kisses and hugs, I take full advantage of his cuddling
*is talking up a storm, maybe only a language his Dad and I understand, but he is talking.  His favorite and most common words bumball (basketball), mik (milk), Lola, pane (plane), peas (please), Buzz, bus, truck, Melmo (Elmo)....ok, my mind is blank at this point.  
*is in love with airplanes and constantly spots them out the car window.  We live close to the airport, so they aren't hard to find.
*reading books and playing ball continue to be his 2 of his favorite activities, but trains and puzzles are closing in
*still sucking that thumb like crazy and loves that blankie
*eating lots of tomatoes, avocados, hot dogs, waffles, french fries (whenever he can get them), cereal (2-3 bowls at a time), blueberries
*adores Lola, always looks for her in the morning and after naps.  They play a mean game of ball together
*still sleeping like a champ.  somehow his bedtime has pushed back to 9ish, leading him to get up between 8-830, for sure a night owl.  Then he naps for 2-3 hours in the afternoon.  rarely lets us know he is up, usually go in to find him wide awake looking around his room or just staring at the ceiling sucking his thumb.
*just when we think he couldn't get more fun/entertaining, he does something new that amazes us!

6 months old

18 months...they really do grow up too fast!

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