Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Apartment Living

So, as you read we arrived in Texas about 3 weeks ago, wow, time flies!  Since we moved for Adam's job, they are kind enough to put us in a furnished apartment for a couple months so we have time to find a home.  Such a nice transition, they take pretty good care of us.  So...all we have with us is clothes, computers, and Coop's toys.  Kind of scary to think that everything we own is sitting in some storage unit.

Can't really complain about apartment living.  We are learning to live with less, everything we need is close at hand, Coop can run freely around the whole place, and best of all...it's paid for!  The few downers- taking Lola out and finding grass, not having "our stuff," having downstairs neighbors with a kid that loves to throw balls/toys full time.  Here are some pics of our temporary home. ;)

Probably my least favorite part...the stairs up to our place.  However, very thankful they are indoor steps that I can let Coop climb, it's a workout carrying him up and down multiple times a day.  Notice that makeshift gate at the top, it's the box we brought Cooper's crib down in.  Classy...

At the top of our stairs.  That table and chairs is really just a catch all, rarely have we sat down as a family to eat dinner.  Coop and I usually eat before Adam gets home or out to dinner it is!  Like that ironing board, it doesn't move from there.  Adam irons his shirts every morning and there is really no better place for it.  
Our living room is freakin' Toy Land.  It all doesn't have a place and drives me a little crazy, but it's what keeps that kid in the corner reading books entertained, so that is all that matters!  That coffee table was in front of the couch, but quickly got moved to the side of the room, we needed a bigger play area!
Coop's room, it has a crib and twin bed.  It's great for visitors, like my mom right now!  Had to include the tent in the picture, we all know Coop's slight obsession with Toy Story and he l-o-v-e-s this tent from Uncle Bryson and Aunt Tara.  We are often inside reading books.  As a side note, Coop couldn't have transitioned more smoothly.  He went right to sleep the first few nights in the new place and acts like we have been here forever! 

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for the updates! I told you, I'm going stir crazy :) Can't wait to see you guys in KC in a few weeks!
