Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Good Weekend, but could have been waaay more exciting...

Yes, it was a good weekend at home as you will read, but the "what could have been" is kind of sad to think about it.  We could have/should have been in Houston, TX this past weekend cheering on our Jayhawks in the Final Four, with pep rallies, face tatoos, hotel stays, stalking the Morris Twins to get Coop a picture with them, running into familiar faces that you haven't seen in years!  Oh, I could go on and on but I won't for your sake...there is always next year (get tired of this phrase)!  On to what we did instead...

I participated in our neighborhood garage sale and it was really great!  This pic was during take-down, but my tables were almost that bare!!
Our friends, The Fimmens, came over for dinner and to play, not to be confused with "my" Fimmen over at Stilley Stuff, but her brother and his fun fam!  We spend almost every Monday morning playing together and Coop has become quite attached to Tom and Meghan (Baby Matt hasn't won him over yet:))!  When asked who his best bud is, he says excitedly "Tom, Mayden," seriously so cute!!!  He gets so excited to see them and has changed Thomas the Train's name to just Tom ;).  The kids played and played with the rocks in the playset.
Love this look he is giving Meghan, these 2 will be in preschool together this Fall!
Unfortunately Cooper ended the weekend with a fever and definitely not himself.  He spent a lot of the day sleeping and watching cartoons or 'toons, as he calls them.  Doesn't he look sad?

Hope you all had a fun weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I can only speak as a "mom" concerning my own kids... but I can sit back and watch them for hours! I love watching them play, seeing how their little minds work, and how the learn/grow on a daily basis! I guess I am a mom to the core of my being...
