Monday, March 29, 2010

7 Months

This post is long overdue considering Cooper was 7 months on the 12th of this month and today is the 29th...oops! 

Here is what happened since last month:

- started trying to hold his own bottlle, not much progress though
- first time in a high chair at restaurants, the kid has fast hands and a long reach...enough said.
- After enough drool to fill his crib, the first tooth appeared.  It was his bottom right tooth. 
- He started riding in his stroller like a big car seat adapter!  Loves riding through the mall and taking it all in!
- Coop started solid foods!  The first was pureed carrots, ate them with no problems.  Also had sweet potatoes and pears during the month.
- Cooper was baptized
-At his Dr. visit he was 18 lbs, 6 oz, 50%ile and 30 inches long, over 95%ile. 
-Cooper loves watching other kids, his johnny jumper, his thumb (yikes!), blankie at naps/bedtime, anything he can chew on and sitting up 

Coop has had very prominent ribs since birth, this picture really shows them off

Love this picture!

So excited to be 7 (and 1/2) months!!!

1 comment:

  1. So cute! I also love the one where he's looking at his belly.
    I think he looks like your Dad in the last pic. :)
