Sunday, April 6, 2014

Weekend not as planned...

A weekend out of sorts so here's a post to go right along with it…

Our weekend started off with Piper getting locked inside the house!  Aaahhh!  Here's the skinny…I have 3 kids in 3 carseats and somehow none of them are able to 100% buckle themselves in.  We are devoting time to that this week!  Sooo. as always I take the 2 big kids and my purse out to the car, get them buckled in, run back in to grab Piper and go.  Well, I got both in the car Friday morning and when I tried to get back in the house from the garage, the stinking door was locked!!!!!  It has a lock on the knob that you turn and a deadbolt.  Obviously one of the kids turned the lock on the way out, both deny it, doesn't really matter.  My heart sunk and I grabbed my phone.  I called my mom and Adam for advice.  In the end I googled Overland Park Locksmith and called the first number that popped up.  He said he would be there in 20 minutes.  Meanwhile, Piper is totally fine.  She is in her carseat on the couch and I can see her from the front door windows (thankfully, those blinds aren't up yet!).  She was sound asleep during the whole process!  The shady locksmith arrives in his unmarked vehicle and in about 10 minutes gets the door opened for $250!!!!!  $250, can you believe that, ridiculous!  We have never been people to carry house keys (in fact our two houses in St. Louis we could break in the lock with a credit card) and we didn't even know where the keys were to this house. After our Friday outing, I came home and searched until I found those keys :).  Kid locked in the house…just another notch on my Motherhood belt!

We were headed out to meet the Stilley Girls (that's what Cooper calls them :)) at the Johnson County Kids Museum…needless to say we were about 45 minutes late after the locked out of house debacle.  The museum has a cute "mini town" for kids, sure we will be back!  Then we headed to Fritz's for lunch.  

Friday night I got the flu and Adam got home at midnight, he had been in Fort Worth for training since last Sunday.  To say we were happy to have him home would be an understatement!  With him working from home the kids are used to seeing him everyday and almost every meal.  I was in bed with  flu like stuff all day Saturday.  Adam took them to Henry's birthday party at Monkey Bizness, bounce house park.

Happy Birthday Henry!
They also went out to lunch, the carwash, and my parents house.  Thank you to my mom for taking care of Piper all morning!  

After the kids woke up from naps, they went to pick Cash up to come over and play.  Adam sent me this video of Cooper as they were putting shoes on to leave.
I mean, he is the sweetest!!!  When they were home, he was at my bedside about every 30 minutes asking me how I was feeling.  When I would say not great, he would say, I'm sorry about that, hope you get better soon.  That boy melts my heart!  For the record, Laney didn't come see me once ;).

It was 12 years ago Saturday that this guy and I went on our first date!  I still have this picture framed in our bedroom.  12 years!!!  Crazy!!!  How is that he has aged so well (I am thankful he found his neck that was missing in this picture :)) and I have added a million gray hairs and wrinkles!?  Not fair.  Either way, love ya Adam!

 Another bright spot of the weekend?  Stella & Dot's summer collection debuted on Friday!  Love these earrings and their versatility, the bottom part unhooks for a more subtle look.  The jewel is coral.
This wrap bracelet might be my fave!  Love the gold and silver mixed together!  See it all on my website here.

Cheers to a good week!

1 comment:

  1. Oh... I'll put your mother of the year award in the mail. I have several hanging on my wall already :)
    So worth the $250 bucks of the feeling to rescue your sweet baby girl who knew nothing was happening. What will our next story be, right? At least all are safe and unharmed!
