Monday, April 7, 2014


Lots of random pictures dating back from February!

 One of his Texas friends had a birthday party and they all Facetimed with Cooper so he could virtually be there :).  It was so sweet and he was ecstatic!

 Oh this girl!
 Little sisters can talk you into things you normally wouldn't do :).
 For about a month we didn't have blinds. Besides that whole privacy issue, I kind of liked it.  Our back windows let in so much light!
 The afternoon sun could blind you if sitting in the wrong spot ;).  I wanted pictures to remember what it was like before blinds.
 The sunset was so pretty-minus the flash.
 My sister posted this on Instagram and it may just be my favorite thing ever.
 Girltalk!  When Piper's hair isn't standing up-I joke that she looks like an old asian man with a combover.
 One day in March we broke out the t-shirt and no socks!  Woot-Woot!
 Cheering on our Hawks during the Big 12 tourney.
 Cooper was gathering all his blue stuff to watch the game :).
 The girl is not afraid to take her brother on.
 Her babies are ruling our house these days, in fact I need to devote a post to this!
 Watching the kids in the bathtub...
 They usually shower with one of us so the bathtub was an exciting change of pace!
 This was my view one morning.  Piper often wakes up sometime between 3-5:30.  I nurse her and she is out again but I often lay her next to me in bed.  I know, I know…I shouldn't do it, you don't have to tell me.  She sleeps in her pack'n'play all night but she is just so darn sweet that I can't put her back after that early morning feeding.  Adam was out of town and Cooper had come in super early so I told him to get in bed with Piper and I.  He had given Piper his most beloved blanket to cuddle with, so sweet!
 Laney had fixed my hair and was decorating me with random things she could find around the room.  
 I was cleaning one day and asked them if they wanted to use my 'super special dusting wands!'.  Hook, line, sinker.  They were all over it.  It may have only lasted 10 minutes but they dusted all the wood on the stairs!
 I sent her upstairs to get dressed while I was feeding Piper and this is how she came back down.  No underwear but she didn't forget her hat!
Sweet babies in big bows, nothing better!

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