Thursday, January 23, 2014

On the Road (once) Again!

There are 2 main reasons I am so behind on blogging, #1 is we are moving!  Yes, that's right, we are moving again!!!  This time Adam's job is taking us to Kansas - my first home.  He took a promotion with his current company back in November.  This move will be so bittersweet as we adore our life here in Texas but we are moving closer to family and friends that are basically family.  I am just now blogging about it as I put the whole idea of moving and all the chaos that has come with it until after our sweet Piper arrived and the holidays were over.  And chaos it is.  Much more to come on this topic - I will just scratch the surface here with this post I have been meaning to do for a week now!
My mom flew in the day after Christmas so Adam and I could start packing.  Why were we packing already you ask?  Well, we have no basements here for storage so we needed to do some major decluttering before we put our house on the market.
See my post on the last time we moved here.
Grandma did get to snuggle sweet Piper but she was sure to keep the big kids busy and 100% entertained so Adam and I could pack.
This is our dining room, it became the storage spot for all things being packed.  Side note…that room hasn't had a light the 3 years we have lived here!  We went and bought that chandelier while my mom was here and Adam installed it.  Funny the things you do to make your house more perfect for strangers coming to see it.  
 We packed a lot of stuff including well over 1/2 the kids toys, all the closets, both attics, kitchen items we don't use regularly, etc.  
I took just a few pics the week Grandma was here and this was one of them.  We were literally walking out the door to take her back to airport when I got this one.  Thanks again Mom, we never would have accomplished what we did without you here!  The kids had a blast!
 This guy showed his handyman side on his vacation and multitasked while doing some of that work ;).  That sweet baby of ours likes to be held (a lot) so we are thanking our lucky stars for that Baby Bjorn.
 Adam was headed to KC for a work meeting just after the new year.  So we loaded up all that stuff we packed and filled that 20 foot truck FULL!  It is all in a storage unit up in Overland Park awaiting us ;).
 These kids (especially Coop) thought that UHaul truck was just about the coolest thing ever.  Dad made their day with a quick trip around the block in it :).
Pretty sure the kids had their version of heaven the 3 hours the movers were here loading up that UHaul.  The kids, Lola and I hung out in our bedroom to stay out of the way so they got free reign of the iPad and TV.  I could see their brain cells dying as the hours passed ;).

This was just part one of this crazy process!  Stay tuned, lots of things have happened since we started packing 3 weeks ago!!!

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