Thursday, March 3, 2011

Lost...then Found!!!!!!!!!

So, I feel this story deserves it's own blog post.  You dog lovers will appreciate it, all others may be just rolling their eyes :). 

Either way, here it goes... it was a beautiful Friday here in Keller, TX and the movers have all our boxes in the house.  AT&T UVerse was here, apparently left a door open because Lola went missing.  For those that don't know, she always has been an escapee.  

Off my dad, Adam and I went walking/driving the neighborhood.  Great way to meet the neighbors, searching for my shih tzu in my sweats and unshowered for over a day...nice.  Everyone was sooo nice, after a couple hours of nothing the sun was beginning to set.  I went home, created and printed out the below flyers.  Why flyers you ask?  Well, she escaped without a collar.  We always take her out on a leash and take her collar off with it because it's always jingling.  We sent my parents to dinner with Cooper while Ad and I walked the neighborhood a-g-a-i-n with the flyers.  At this point I have been crying on and off and trying to keep the worst thoughts out of my mind.  

Fast forward a few hours and I am laying wide awake in bed when Adam's phone rings at 10:40.  Yeehaw!!!!!  Someone has Lola!!!!!!!!!!!  So, this nice man picked her up on the street after she ran out in front of him (she really isn't meant for the streets:)).  He took her home to his family and then headed out in his car to drive around and see if anyone was looking for a dog.  Their lovely family just knew that someone was looking for her.  A perfect moment happened...he sees a family walking with a flashlight (the same family Adam saw and gave a flyer to) and the flyer gets exchanged!  The kids of this fantastic family delivered Lola to us and could not have been sweeter!  I could go on and on, but I just realized how long this post is!!  We have our sweet Lola back and couldn't be happier! Thank God for good people in this world!!!!


  1. I gasped out loud! Poor Lola! And poor Ashley!
    I'm so glad she made it back ... I bet she'll be dreaming about her adventure for days ;)

  2. Sad Ashley! So glad she made it home safely though!! I'm sure it was a terrifying ordeal!
