Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Home, Sweet, Home

We have been in our new home a week and a half and it is feeling like a home.  The visible boxes are unpacked and things are starting to find their places.  Don't get me wrong, lots more to do, like the dining room full of boxes that we used to house in our basement...no basement here.  No desk in the office yet, so it has become a catch all of anything paper related and our living room is still couchless (should arrive this week).  

This post is pics from move-in weekend, didn't get as many before/after pics as I wanted.  And, Lola's adventure definitely put a halt to picture taking for a while.  My parents surprised me (Adam was in on it) Thursday night to be here to help us with the move.  It was a spur of the moment decision as my dad called my mom Thursday morning and said to be ready to leave at 1pm...how fun is that!!  We never would have accomplished what we did in that weekend without them!!  I hope that Adam and I can be half the parents ours are to us!!!

Moving van arrived around 8:30 and they were out of here by 2ish and that was with a 2 hour trip back and forth to get the rest of our stuff!  They carried the boxes to the correct room and then put together all the beds and big furniture.
Just the beginning of the dining room.  The boxes are stacked about 2 feet higher and cover almost every inch of the room.
The kitchen before the chaos!  Literally, every square inch of the counter space was covered in dishes at one point, as you will see in a later picture. 
Lola (before the escape) always manages to make herself a bed somewhere.  Coop is always giving her kisses and sharing his blankie with her...so sweet!
My fabulous mom washed all of these dishes, but everyone knows how picky I am about where my dishes go, so they stayed on the counter until I was ready to get organized!  Adam attempted to help, but I just ended up moving them in the end...the kitchen is my territory. ;)
Our bedroom closet, this is where Coopie played while the movers were here and napped too!
Ride 'em cowboy!
I think we could have filled half of our house with all the packing paper!!!
Saturday night we were getting down to business...my mom and I putting the kitchen together and the boys hooking up the dryer.  Coop was just running crazy, trying to get attention from anyone!  We had to call in for backup, our backup is Toy Story.  Dad put together this setup and Coop was in heaven!
There was a lot of work to be done, but let's face it...we all wanted to be right there watching Toy Story with our boy!  Please note the Woody doll hat he was trying to fit into.
Storytime with Grandma in his new bedroom...make this bedroom #4 in his short 19 months of life!  Someone asked me how the transition was to a new room, what transition?  This boy is so used to sleeping different places it doesn't phase him one bit!  He has slept like a baby since day one here.
Grandpa and his helper taking a chocolate chip cookie break, notice Coopie's shirt. 
The view from upstairs...yikes!  We had talks of just rolling up the rug and turning it into a basketball court, too bad that new couch is already on its way!  Those toys are slowly finding a home, that is when Cooper's sleeping, otherwise they are everywhere!!!  As predicted here, Coop is dropping any ball he can find off the railing down to the first floor, aaahhhh!  So frustrating especially since as soon as he does it, he cries because he wants the ball back!

More pictures to come as we slowly turn this house into a home!


  1. It looks GREAT! I can't wait to see more :)

  2. Seriously what other 19-month old sits & watches Toy Story as well as Coop?! Can't wait to come see it! I love the Rick's Plumbing shirt too!

  3. Enjoying the update to feel a part of your journey! Keep updates coming!

  4. LOVE it! Love the shirt! Glad to see things are coming together!
