Thursday, January 6, 2011

No more morning nap

The week before Christmas we officially dropped the morning nap.  Yes, we, not just Cooper, we are in this together.  I had a feeling this was coming as he's creeping closer and closer to that 18 month spot.  This kid is a phenonmenal sleeper and gosh, I just hope the rest of our kids follow suit.  The morning nap was getting shorter and shorter and we had been skipping it quite a bit on mornings we weren't home.  That first week was rough to get to 1230ish.  We had some breakdowns at lunch, but powered thru.  Truthfully, it is nice now. We can be busy all morning long and not have to worry about slowing down until after lunch.  So, at almost 17 months here is Coopie's sleeping schedule.  He gets up between 8-830, naps at 1 for 2-3 hours and then back in bed by 830-900.  Yep, his sleep is one of his best traits...gets it from both his Mom and Dad.  

1 comment:

  1. wow, that's pretty amazing, as Noella is just now making that transition at 12 months! and she is a much earlier to bed, earlier to rise kind of gal as well. way to go coop! sorry we couldn't play with you this holiday!
