Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Crown Center - Part 1 - Fritz's Diner

It had been a dreary, boring day in KC, so I suggested heading to Crown Center for the evening.  Believe it or not, the whole fam took me up on it (minus Bry and Tara-in Vegas)!!  To get in the Holiday spirit all 8 of us piled into my Yukon...tight squeeze and watched Elf on the way there.  We LOVE that movie!  We headed to dinner first at Fritz's Railroad Restaurant.  If you live in KC and have young kids, it's a must!!  You call in your order at your table and train tracks line the upper walls.  The trains run constantly delivering food to the tables.  Needless to say, Cooper was in awe!! 
Coop declaring his order :)
They hand out these super cute conducter hats that Cooper wouldn't leave on for more than 2.5 seconds
Cooper (and Grandpa) watching in awe as the trains go across the tracks
Coop's expression as the train dropped off our food and it was being lowered to our table...so intrigued!
See, the train has your food as its caboose and then it drops it off on the tray and it lowers down to the table.  If you look closely, you can see the tracks in the background and the phone we ordered from at our table!
Coop doesn't get juice often and when he does, he usually doesn't take his lips off the straw until it is gone!  Kind of my feelings about wine :)

Such a fun experience, can't wait to go back.  Oh yeah, the only drawback...Coopie was so interested in the trains that he ate about 3 fries and 1/2 bit of grilled cheese, oh well!

1 comment:

  1. oh man look at him suck i wish it was mydick
