Sunday, November 28, 2010


I really am ashamed I didn't get more pictures taken at Thanksgiving!  We were at my aunt Trish and uncle Charley's house with everyone there at some point.  Can't believe I didn't demand a grandkid picture!!!!

We went for lunch and stayed all afternoon until it was time to eat again.  We celebrated Nick and Ava's birthdays, got a surprise in between (will share later), boys took naps, girls talked, kids played, I even got in on a game of Monopoly (I was the first one bankrupt, let's hope game doesn't imitate life...ha!).

I listed what Coop was thankful for already and would list my blessings, but don't have the room or time to even start listing.  I truly feel I am living such a lucky, wonderful life.  I have the best family and friends a girl could ask for and at the end of the day that is about all that matters anyway!

This is a "What is wrong with this picture" picture.  I was taking a picture of cousin Brad reading to Cooper.  Of course, the camera comes out and Coop disappears, so it appears that Brad is reading to no one.  Then, over in the corner cousin Will is dancing with the dog??  This picture is our family get togethers in a nutshell, don't be jealous. :)

All tuckered out...Coop ended T-Day in bed with cousins Olivia and Ava watching Toy Story.

Mom and Dad ended Thanksgiving at Tanner's over a few beers with Aaron and Cami...good end to the day!


  1. love the kids to watch me fuckingthe babysitter

    1. her first then she can watch me with Ava, it will be fun trying to get the tip in herpussy but if she is still too tight her ass will do just fine
