Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Nap Time Disaster

This is how I found Cooper about 20 minutes into naptime, notice the diaper to the right.  He went to bed pantless because it has been warm and his room gets hot in the afternoon. Never did I think he would take his diaper off, guess there is a first time for everything!  I stood over him for a couple minutes with the great debate...do I wake him up to change him (which means he more than likely doesn't go back to sleep) or know I will find a wet baby and sheets in a couple hours, I took the latter.  Big mistake, there was a mess waiting for me after nap, let's leave it at that...lesson learned.


  1. I just found you...Thank you for your order and be a loyal blog reader!

    Funny...well, I know, not really. But, I would have to make sure the girls had a oneies on at nap time so they would not take off their diaper...that might help!

  2. nice buddy let me get some baby oil or lotion that is going to be soooooooooooo tight

    1. it is although mine was a daughter

    2. that age the ass feels so good
