Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Fossil Rim Adventure

Here's all about our adventures at Fossil Rim on Laney's birthday.  Basically it's an outdoor drive thru wildlife center.  You can read more about it here.  So crazy cool, we loved it!  It was about an hour and 45 minutes from us and took us about 3 hours to drive thru, including lunch.  
 The kids were so excited that we were going to be driving and they would be out of their carseats.  Cooper immediately took his spot on the console.
 Laney's reaction when we saw our first animal, this guy...
 I can't remember what it was...not pretty.
 You buy a bag of food so you can feed the animals along the way.  See the deer in the background that they were feeding?
 We saw lots of deer and they weren't afraid of us!  Many of them came walking right up to our car window for some food.
 Cooper got his first driving lesson.

 The rules are to throw the food on the ground and not to feed them from your hand...rules are made to be broken, right?

 Coop kept saying, "this is the coolest place ever!"
 The kids had no fear about these wild animals walking right up to our window.

 It was beautiful and so nice to be away from technology for a few hours and enjoy nature!
 We loved seeing the zebras up close, so fascinating!  And we reminisced about how Cooper used to say zeb-ruh instead of zee-bra...it was the cutest!
 Ask Laney what a giraffe has and this is her answer for long neck :).  Cooper used to do the same exact thing!
 We were totally bummed that the giraffes were in their pens for the day :(.  We were ready for their long necks to be stretching in our car for some food!
 This was our lunch view, so pretty!

 At one point Cooper and I had an elk that was not shy at all eating from our hands.  It's on the video camera, will share when I get it uploaded...Adam said it's hilarious.
 Laney was asleep before we pulled into Sonic 5 minutes after leaving Fossil Rim.

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