Thursday, June 6, 2013

A little getaway

I posted in last week's edition of Smile Fridays about tagging along with Adam last week on a work trip.  It.was.incredible.  As much as I love my kids and the non-stop hustle and bustle around the house, I love silence just as much.  And that is what I had last week. Perfection, I tell ya, simply perfect.  Adam was busy during the days but we did do dinner together a couple nights and our first afternoon there he was free.
 We were in South Carolina at Kiawah Island.  Picture lots of golf courses, 10 mile island, beach, pools,  and tight security.  It had 2 downfalls...they only served Pepsi (literally had to leave island for a Coke!) and no mexican restaurants!  There lots of gators-we saw this guy the first night up on the porch next to the ice cream shop!
 Adam was lucky enough to take a day and golf on the Ocean Course.  It was the site of the 2012 PGA of those 'once in a lifetime' chances.  The course was beautiful, right on the ocean. We had dinner one night at the clubhouse overlooking the course.
 At another restaurant, their deck overlooked a pond that was swarming with gators.  It was surreal.
 This was the view from our deck.  The thing I was most looking forward to on the trip was reading.  Just reading.  I love good ole' fashioned books and would make reading my profession if it was possible.  I read Bossypants by Tina Fey.  It was freaking hilarious, literally laugh out loud funny...ask Adam :).  I finished it one day and 100% recommend it!
 Here was my view for 3 solid days.  Yes, please.  
 We had ice cream most nights for dessert.
 The only pic I took of the 2 of us, I hate that.
 This was us one night after dinner.  Adam watching Homeland on his iPad and me reading.  I said, "Is this weird?"  We just laughed.  Honestly we had talked all dinner, probably more than we do in a normal work week so we decided it was totally ok. :)
I read The Help after Bossypants.  Total opposite books!  It was so, so good.  I had a hard time putting it down, can't wait to see the movie even though I am sure it will be a disappointment.
 See a pattern here?  I read another lighthearted/funny book but it was forgettable compared to the first two.

As much fun and relaxing as it was, I was so ready to see my sweet babies!!!  Grandma and Grandpa flew down to take care of them.  Adam and I totally guessed the kids reactions when we arrived home...Laney was ecstatic to see us and Cooper told us to go back.  Well, at least we were 1 for 2.


  1. I am so jealous of you getting to read three books in three days...sounds wonderful! I read the HELP when I was in the hospital after having Nathan. The movie is okay, but great call reading the book first. I too thought Bossypants was awesome! I just picked up a book from the library with the boys last night. You are now my motivation to read the entire thing before having to return it! :)

  2. Oh coop.... I just love that kid. Go back,!?!? Too too much!

  3. This is kinda how Vegas was and I only have one kid so I can just imagine how nice it was with two! :)
