Monday, August 12, 2013


I remember talking to my friend Jenny, probably 6 months ago...maybe more or less??  Anyway, the topic of conversation was that I was getting absolutely nothing done when my kids were awake besides playing with them full time and pulling Laney away from messing with Cooper's stuff.  She told me, just give it a few months and it will change.  When we had talked, her girls had played together for a period of time that specific morning long enough to let her clean the kitchen and vacuum floors.  At the time I couldn't fathom this ever happening!  
Well, fast forward to kids are playing together!  Woo-Hoo!  I can't find the posts, but remember how my kitchen used to be 100% destroyed by Laney Faith while I made dinner and Cooper watched cartoons.  It got a bit better but I was still letting them watch a cartoon while I made dinner to keep them occupied.  In the last couple weeks, they have rarely watched cartoons.  They will actually play together...without me and without technology, YAY!!!  Now, this time is not perfect, there are arguments, silence which makes me race upstairs only to find them reading :), lots of messes made upstairs and occasionally I am turning the TV on for them.  But I am 100% ok with all of that.  
I love seeing their love for one another and their (one-sided) conversations. 

I don't have many pics because I do my best not to bother them when they are happy together and I am usually laying on the couch with my feet up reading my latest Us Weekly...ha, ha, ha!  Doesn't that sound dreamy though??
 They love to build with their blocks and Legos.  Cooper is so patient with her and that isn't always easy, trust me.  She wants to be just like her big brother!
They love their music and many days are fighting over the iPod, but we found this solution :).

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