Sunday, August 18, 2013

Our Weekend-enjoying the cool(er) weather

We had a weekend at home with no plans besides a birthday party for one of Coop's buddies and church.  It was really nice, we watched cartoons in bed each morning, ate breakfast and lunch at home (we went thru almost an entire container of peanut butter since Friday!  We love PB&J!) and everyone got lots of sleep.  The weather has cooled off and we haven't seen over 100 in probably a week!  This weekend it was upper 80's/low 90's...crazy cool weather for Texas in August so we took advantage and headed outside.  Friday night we went to feed the ducks then Saturday and Sunday we went to the park.  We haven't been to the park in weeks because of the hot, hot weather.

 This girl was dying to go feed the 'go-gos,' her word for ducks.
 Coop was so funny, he was talking to the ducks about the bread like he talks to Lola about her treats ;).
 Laney Faith rarely smiles like this when the camera is out!
 We went to Old Navy Saturday morning for everyone to get new jeans (major sale, $8 kids and $15 adults!) except for me...but Cooper thought it was funny that one of the mannequins had a belly like his mom :).  Does anyone else's children love the Old Navy dog or is it just my kids??  Laney is giving the dog kisses here and I think I have the same picture of Cooper at this age.
 After Old Navy we went to the park and apparently she thinks she's too big for the baby swings and Cooper rode his bike all around.
 Sunday I made us lunch and we took it to the park to eat and play.
Oh Laney, she is making quite the faces these days.  Not only did I make lunch to take to the park, I let them play in the sandbox...yep,

Hope you all had an awesome weekend too!  We are gearing up to celebrate our baby turning 2 next weekend!!!!!


  1. I LOVE the pig tails!! Too cute! Can't wait to see you all in exactly one month!
