Sunday, March 15, 2015

Our first tooth loss!!

At one time I thought this day would be much sooner - when he first fell on the tooth 3 years ago, I was thinking it might die right away.  But it proved me wrong and held on for a few more years.  
Sooo, in the last post I mentioned that the dentist recommended we schedule an appt to get that front tooth pulled as the x-rays showed it was doing damage to the permanent tooth.  Well, fast forward exactly one week later.  Cooper wakes up and while eating breakfast starts to complain about a sharp pain in his tooth...not the one that needs to be pulled.  I kind of brushed it off but he was relentless about this tooth.  I briefly peeked at it and didn't see anything.  He complained a bit more so we went down to Adam's office in the basement and had him check it out.  Using his phone flashlight, we could see a crack in that tooth.  And then, when we lifted his lip - we saw a white circle (hello infection!) on the gums above the tooth that needed to be pulled.  So - I called the dentist and off we went again one week later.  
The dentist brushed off the crack in the tooth, said that is common with kids, gave us a flouride to brush on that tooth to strengthen it.  However, they were concerned about the white spot on the gums above the other tooth and wanted to pull it soon.  In fact he said - let's just do it now!  Excuse me sir, apparently you don't see the 14 month old scaling my body like a monkey and my 3 year old barely contained.  Not to mention I need some final pics of my boy with all his baby teeth - he will never look the same again!!!!!!  I just politely said, can we schedule for Monday morning?  
Cooper was clueless that he was getting his tooth pulled so we kept it that way until Sunday night.  We casually mentioned it, brushed it off like no big deal, talked about the tooth fairy coming and he was all good!  In fact, he was a bit excited - has been wanting to lose a tooth for a while now.
 I have never loved a snaggle tooth more!!
 Final looks at our 5 1/2 year old with all his baby teeth!
 I still remember him running around the kitchen at our house in Texas and falling on that tooth.  Adam was out of town (of course!), Laney was just a baby, there was a lot of blood, and a KU game was about to start.  I found my original post about his fall, here it is.  It makes my heart hurt looking at those pictures of that sweet baby boy!!!  It seems like just yesterday.

 Thanks to my sister for taking the girls for the morning so I could just be with Cooper.  We played virtual darts on the xbox and it was so fun!
 Of course he was better than me.
 They immediately got him hooked up with some laughing gas to take the edge off.  He was intently watching the cartoon on the TV above him.  At this point, he was totally good - no worries at all.  They put some numbing gel on his gums before giving him the big shot to numb it completely.  The nurse warned me that specific area is difficult to numb.  She was right - it seemed she had that big needle in his gums  He was definitely wincing a bit thru that part but totally unaware it was a shot.  Then the dentist came in and pulled out that tooth in about 1/2 second.  
He didn't get upset until it was all over and the numbing was still there.  He kept crying and complaining about his lip being so heavy.  I had promised him a trip to Target to get a toy since he had been so brave but he was too upset.  We went home for an hour, curled up on the couch to watch a cartoon and then he played on the iPad.  
 About an hour later, he was all good and asking to go to Target.  Off we went!  He took this selfie in Target to send to Adam since he was out of town.  

 He brought this home from school - he had done it the morning before I picked him up for his appt.  I thought it was so sweet - that is the dentist inside his office.
 Of course my girls loved their time at the Galbraith house!
The tooth fairy brought 4 quarters and it might as well have been 1 million dollars-he was so excited!!  He had me write a letter to the tooth fairy to leave his tooth so he could show his dad ;).

Another first in the books.

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