Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Random thoughts from November

 These 2 are always the first ones up in the morning.  Their feet hit the ground and they are ready to start the day.  They usually go downstairs, start playing babies and demanding breakfast.  Brother usually follows much later and he does not hit the ground running.  He needs time to wake up.
 We sent this to Adam with the caption, "please turn my carseat around!"
 My favorite thing about our house is walking Cooper to school everyday.  He's always so happy to go to school and that makes my heart so happy.  He brought home a turkey to decorate and of course he made it a Royals turkey.
 Adam was out of town so we had bubble bath and glowsticks in our tub.
 I turned most of the lights off and they think it's the coolest!  I love their ages - so easy to please!
 Then we took the glowsticks to my room and had a dance party.

 She loves her Lola!!  Not sure the feeling is mutual but she puts up with her.

 Sweet Baby Harper!!  My big kids were in heaven - I had to beg them to let me hold her.  No one wanted to share that newborn sweetness!!!
 Of course we sent all pictures to Adam reminding him how much we love babies ;).  He didn't respond.
 It was a beautiful November day...hence the barefeet!
 Soaking up the sunshine!!!
 I asked him if he was trying to smuggle princesses across the border ;).
 They were all playing nap time - great game kids!

 She was starting to get into coloring more and more.
Afternoon preschool means no naps which means she crashes some nights before bed.  
In fact - I have quite a few pictures of Laney falling asleep in random places and at random times in the house.
Sweet sisters playing babies!

Ok-that's it for this post.  My Pippi is yelling for me from her bed...time to really start my day.

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