Sunday, February 21, 2016

August 2015 - that's a wrap!

August was a crazy one with the store opening, the big kids' birthdays, and school starting.  Those are  some of our biggest events of the year and they all fell in the same month!  Here are some final pictures to round out August.
 Scheels opened near us and we love it!  This winter we have gone to the store some weeknights after dinner just to walk around and let the kids play. 
 Several photo ops.

  Weather permitting, we walk to pick Cooper up from school.  Afternoon preschool means no nap for Laney so she will occasionally fall asleep in random places after school.  
 Rusty and Alli got Laney a ticket to go see Frozen on Ice with them for her birthday.  She wanted to pick out her clothes so she chose a fancy dress and then Frozen flip flops and a Frozen headband.  Those are her binoculars from Chick-Fil-A ;).

 Think she was excited??

 This is why our strollers break.  I often find the girls in them pushing each other around.
 This girl is a messy eater!
 His favorite dinner is taco salads.
 Cooper and Laney went thru a (short) phase of wanting to rinse off all the plates.
 More Frozen!

 They watched a movie in my bed the night Laney was at Frozen.
 This girl loves to cuddle with me!
 Maybe this blog post should have been titled, Laney goes to Frozen on Ice!  I didn't realize how many pics I had!
And of course a souvenir slushie!

 My walking companions...clearly we don't go very far very fast.
 Piper discovered markers and loves to color!

 The car pick up line at Cooper's school is crazy.  I am so thankful we can walk to and from school, it's officially my favorite thing about our house.  This day it was raining so we loaded up and were in the car line at 3:15 to pick him up at 3:40!!!  And the line was already long!

1 comment:

  1. Being able to walk to school would be an absolute dream!

    Laney looks adorable in Em's dress! Em wore that for Easter when she was 4! Time flies! Love the posts-- keep them coming! It's a joy to get to know you all again :)
