Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Piper's Winter Onederland

For the record, I had intended to publish this post last night.  I was uploading pics around 11.  They were taking (still just working on desktop...yet to deal with laptop issues).  I went to check on kids and was greeted with the worst smell when I entered Pippi's room.  Poor girl had thrown up all over her crib and basically rolled around in it.  :(  Thank goodness Adam was in town because this was a 2 person job!  Got her up and while undressing her realized she had poop all the way up her chest.  So, her and Adam were in the shower at 11:15 last night.  Good news...she was happy as could be thru the whole process. She loves the shower, even in the middle of the night!  While they showered, I changed sheets, disinfected crib mattress, and threw away those jammies!  Needless to say I didn't make it back to computer to finish up post!
Not sure why it turned out blurry.  This is post shower, she was all smiles!  Luckily it seems to be a one and done thing.  She's been really cuddly and sleeping a lot but other than that she is her normal happy self!

We celebrated Piper's first birthday with lots of family and friends.

I found her invites on Etsy and loved them!  Invites are my favorite part of party planning!
 Earlier in the day we attempted to get some pics in her party outfit before the chaos ensued.  This is the sequence of her refusing to keep bow in her hair...

No bow but still just as sweet!  Also got her shirt on Easy.  Tutu was from Laney's first birthday outfit from my Grandma and leggings were hand me downs.
 There were a lot of family and friends in our house!  Thanks to Maggie for taking my camera most of the night so it was one less thing for me to think about - you did awesome Mags, thanks!

 Aww, Baby Brody!

 The menu was chili and hot dogs which I thought was going to be a great idea for a December birthday party.  I also made homemade hot chocolate with toppings.  Then it was almost 60 degrees that day and people were sweating and hardly hot chocolate was gone.  Go figure.
 We put together a little photo booth area that was BYOC (bring your own camera).  If you are reading this and you have pics of your kids doing this, send them to me!
 Henry didn't want a costume...who can blame him, look at those 3!
 My friends got Pippi a shopping cart.  It was a total hit at the party and continues to be!  If you are wondering, you can find it at Pottery Barn Kids.
 I have said it before, our kids are so lucky to have 2 active and super loving great grandmas!  We were so happy GiGi made the trip in and stayed with us.

 My sister made her adorable smash cake.

 Just like the cupcake on her actual birthday, she didn't have much interest, no matter how much the kids tried.

 My baby is one, waaaahhhhh!!!!!!!!!

 This is us calling the big kids up to take a family picture.  Yeah, that wasn't happening...too busy with their cousins and friends.

 I told you it was hot, Brody was stripped down to his diaper!
 And then my sweet winter onederland party got turned up a notch when Adam turned on the music for the kids.  And not the Frozen soundtrack...Nicki Minaj, Pitbull, Taylor know, typical 1 year old birthday party music ;).  I must upload a video from it, hilarious!  My middle child put on quite the show.

And just like that, it was over and we were on to Christmas!  Thanks to all that helped celebrate our baby's first birthday, it was perfect!!!

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