Monday, April 21, 2014

Piper - 4 months

Everyone asks me if Laney had this much hair and if the girls look alike.  No, on the hair - Piper wins in that department.  I do think the girls look so much alike!!  Here is Laney Faith at 4 months,

Here's what our sweet Piper is up to at 4 months…
-She's 14lbs, 1 oz - 57%ile, 25 inches long - 75%ile and her head is 74%ile.  Almost exact stats as Laney at this age, except Piper has a bigger head.
-She's sleeping good.  Usually nurses for the last time between 9-10ish.  Then she is back up around 4-5, she will nurse on one side and goes right back to sleep.  I can literally do this in my (basically) sleep with no lights on.  Then she is up again between 8-9.  On most days she takes a long afternoon nap when the kids do and then a few other naps throughout the day.  
-A couple days after she turned 3 months, she started rolling over from back to belly.  She still does this, not all the time but definitely at least once a day.
-No longer swaddled - broke her of the swaddle when we went to Wash, MO and I forgot her swaddle blanket :).  She did fine without it and still does.  
-She is still nursing 6 times a day and still refusing a bottle.  Yes, you read that right, the baby girl refuses to take a bottle, which means I am not far from her at all times.  And God bless her grandmas who have let me get away for longer than 2 hours at a time and worked to get her to take a bottle.  This is my official cry for help!  Someone give me the magical solution to this issue!  Adam and I have an anniversary weekend trip planned in June and don't plan on taking her with us!!!  
-She is super ticklish - her back, her toes, her chest - giggles like crazy!
-Officially goes by Pippi more than Piper :)
-Adores her big brother and he is so good with her.  She smiles at her big sister but I swear she cringes a little bit too as Laney Faith is a tad rough with her.  I never leave them in the same room together without an adult :).  
-She has discovered her hands and is constantly playing with them.  Also loves to chew on her blankies!

 The hair!  It's all still there, not falling out - mine sure is but hers is staying put.  
 Smiling at her brother.

 Those leg rolls!!!!!!
Sweet Pippi - we love you!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot get over all that pretty hair! It almost looks like a baby wig. ;)
