Thursday, March 29, 2012

Safari Park

This place has been featured on Groupon a few times, which means we have made many visits.  Our latest visit was today after preschool because I had a Groupon that was expiring!  No pics from today, but we took Grandma and met the Fimmens last week and got a few, enjoy!

Funny story about this little indoor is always the same lady working and she is always late to work!  It is supposed to open at 10 and everytime I have been (3-4 times), she is 15-20 minutes late.  There is usually a line of people waiting to get in and she doesn't even acknowledge she is late!  Honestly, it is just funny now-I mean, who does that and gets away with it!

Probably Cooper's favorite part-miniature golf.  Kind of a nightmare for me-a 2 year old, golf club, ball and children everywhere is not a good combo!
 Best Buds!
We were happy to have Grandma stay a few extra days-I love the extra hands and adult conversations!

1 comment:

  1. all the times (maybe 4 total) i've been there too she is 15-20 mins late too!!! ha ha.
