Saturday, January 7, 2012

Christmas Eve

We went to 4 o'clock mass with everyone else in southern Johnson county-Cooper was good, no he was  g-r-e-a-t!  With the occasional, "what's that" he was pretty darn quiet.  And for Laney, well, she slept of course.  Then we went to my grandma's for dinner.  On my mom's side, there are now 20 of us grandkids, grandkids-in-laws and great grandkids.  We range in age from 30 years down to 4 months, so there is lots of fun and lots of noise!
 Laney with Uncle Brock, pretty sure this baby girl was in someone's arms full time.  Thanks Mamaw Jones for the beautiful red dress!
 Laney Faith in her Christmas red!

 There are so many big boys for Cooper to crawl over which he does...literally
 Can you tell my smile is forced?  Probably because I was grabbing my sweet 2 year old and begging him for just one family picture to document Christmas 2011...

  I l-o-v-e babies in Christmas pajamas. 

I love Christmas Eve and all the anticipation it holds and I feel like the excitement is just brewing in our house.  Coop was kind of excited, but really just because we probably kind of forced the excitement...know what I mean?  For example, do you think he asked to put out reindeer food or cookies for Santa...not so much.
 Coopie putting out reindeer food :)
Taking down an Oreo for Santa-we figured one should do it, heard that guy has been pretty indulgent lately :). 

So, the quality of this collage is poor here, but you get the idea.  All 20 of us took a turn on Mama's lap for Christmas-a few of us bigger than others and some definitely doubled her weight!  

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE the pic of Coop holding the plate of cookies.
