Thursday, October 6, 2011

First Kansas Visit

This past weekend we took our first road trip with 2 kids and I can happily say it was a success!  We drove up to KC for my sister/future brother in-law bachelor/bachelorette parties.  We left home at 3:30 and stopped just twice for dinner/gas and for Laney to eat.  Ah, the joys of nursing in gas station parking lots and changing diapers on your lap/backseat of car. :)  No, really, the kids were awesome and we made it in 9 hours, that is great time to us with 2 munchkins.  The best fabulous husband drove the whole way!!!!! I thought for sure he would hand over the night shift to me, but he kept going (probably because he knows I drive exactly the speed limit and he was trying to make good time:)) and I definitely dozed off somewhere between Wichita and Ottawa.  

It was the most crazy busy weekend ever!  Friday was a revolving doors of visitors to meet Laney Faith and we took her for her first visit to Jalapeños.  Saturday was hair/dress appts, bridal shower, dress and bachelorette party shopping, and bachelorette party!  Before I knew it, it was Sunday morning and we were back on the road!!!

Get two best friends from high school and I all had babies within 6 weeks of one another and we all had girls!!!  Crazy, huh?  Lakeyn is on the left (her sis is Emersyn) and Gianna is in the middle (born just 2 days before Laney).  How perfect are the their onesies?  Stacey's mom picked them up for the girls, so perfect!

 What's better than 10 baby toes?  30 baby toes!!!!!!
Laney met her cousin Gunner, who is 6 weeks older.  These two are sure to drive Cooper crazy in a few months :).
Souders cousins!  I caught poor Gunner and Laney with heads in motion.
 Uncle Brock
Aunt Tara and Uncle Bryson
Laney meeting cousin Cash!  Cooper and Laney got to hang with Uncle Aaron, Aunt Cami, cousin Cash and Mamaw and Papaw Jones Saturday night while we all were out on the town for the bachelor and bachelorette!
At dinner before hitting the town.  The only pic I have of the night, didn't bring my big camera along to the bars ;).

We drove back home Sunday and will head north again soon for all the wedding festivities...can't wait!  Guess it's time to hammer out my MOH speech!

1 comment:

  1. Love the pic of the baby besties ... what's better than that? :)
