Texas Pride

Out shopping at Southlake Town Square to celebrate turning one week old!

Our favorite breakfast place in Fort Worth

Slept all through breakfast

Cooper's first outing was when he was just 3 days old. We came home from the hospital Friday and went to breakfast at Ol' South Pancake House with both families on Saturday morning. Cooper was oblivious to it all. One restaurant customer said, "he looks fresh off the showroom floor"...if that's what you want to call it. We were lucky to have lots of family visiting throughout the weekend to help, then my mom and sister stayed the first week. Cooper probably wouldn't have had such an adventurous first week otherwise. We also went shopping a few times throughout the week, our favorite stop was in Southlake where we found the adorable cowboy boots, couldn't resist!!!
Those boots are TO DIE FOR! They make him look like such a big boy already! :)