Cooper loves Lola, however she doesn't exactly feel the same way...and can you blame her? Not only has Cooper stolen her attention giving parents, he now grabs and kicks at her any chance he gets! He thinks she is HILARIOUS and truly thinks he is playing. Lola is usually the first thing to greet him when he gets up from naps as she is sunning on his rocker watching the neighborhood traffic. Here's a couple pics of the rare interactions between the two...
This is one of their favorite spots in the house, until Lola annoyingly barks at other dogs, kids, a leaf blowing...then I have to shut the door. This picture was taken after a long, rainy day that we were stuck indoors and all of us were thinking the same thing, "Get me outta here!"
Here Lola is discovering her brother might be good after all... Adam got him out of his highchair after snacking on Puffs and they were stuck ALL over his pants, Lola got the pleasure of leftover/half eaten Puffs straight off Coop's pants.