Last Friday, we took a field trip to the St. Louis Zoo with the McCormacks, Maggie and Kyle. In my two years prior to Ft. Worth, we somehow never went to visit the zoo. It is a great zoo and best of's FREE! The zoo was packed, not sure that word even describes it. All the schools were out for Good Friday and the weather was beautiful so everyone else had the same idea. We had four kids and three strollers, sounds fun doesn't it?? Actually, it worked out well and we really did have a good time! We saw brown bears, black bears, penquins, reptiles and many more! Coop's least favorite part was definitely the train ride. We sat close to the speaker and he did not like the train whistle, which seemed to sound off every 10 seconds. He also was not a fan of the dark tunnels, but it made for funny pictures, see below :). The zoo was a cap to a busy few days for Coop. We went to the park, storytime at the bookstore, Little Gym class, an egg hunt at the neighbor's house and finally the zoo!

Cooper and Kellen watching Emily on the carousel, don't they look entertained???
In front of the black bear exhibit
And the train whistle begins...
The thumb makes everything better
Aunt Maggie doing her best, Coop still not sure