This post is a week overdue, mostly because I kept thinking I would get a picture... Well, the tooth is still barely visible and getting a picture of it, yeah right!!!! So, at 6 and half months that drooling and chewing has proved to be something! Coop has one of his bottom two teeth. Of course, I will keep you updated and hopefully have pics of that pearly white in the near future!
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Loving that Bottle, ba ba to us :)
As soon as he sees the bottle, he's reaching for it
Not only is he reaching for his bottle, but he tries to hold it too!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
6 Months
Has it really been 6 months since I had this sweet baby boy??? Unbelievable!!!
The happenings of month six:
- Cooper is now a formula fed baby, weaned him off of nursing the past month. Zero problems transitioning for me or him.
- Our first dose of amoxicillin due to ear infection
- Small case of croup, bad cough and runny nose
- Coop is sitting up really well, still needs pillows there for backup
- Still not rolling over regularly...
- He eats oatmeal at breakfast and dinner time
- Loves: playing peek-a-boo, the sight of his bottle, taking his socks off, his blankie at nap and bedtime, watching other kids and his dog, Lola
Happy 1/2 year birthday Cooper, we love you!
*photo credit, Aunt Tanya (again:))
Two Baby Boys = Fun!
Morning playtime...still in jammies
Cooper spent the majority of the day watching Kellen, wondering..."How does he do all that???"
About 5 minutes later, the two of them had the basket of books emptied :)
Cooper's cousin Kellen stayed over Sunday night and all day Monday because his sitter had the flu. We were happy to have Kellen join us! The boys were great, they definitely kept me busy, but fun busy! Kellen will be one this week so he is all over the place. Coop just watched him full time, in total awe!
Saturday, February 20, 2010
What a beautiful day in STL, sunny and in the upper 50's, felt more like the 70's! Coop and I took Lola on a short stroll around the neighborhood during halftime of the KU game. Now that Cooper's sitting up, he can ride in his stroller like the big kids and he loves it! We have went to the mall a couple of times and he is in total awe of everything that surrounds him..if it would only stay this simple :). We can't wait for Spring!!!
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Cowboy Cooper
Is this outfit not the best??? Coop got this for Christmas with the hat from his Great-Grandma Kelly. He looks like such a little man in it and was loving the hat. Today he wasn't just Cooper, he was Cowboy Cooper!
Jump, Jump, Jump
Don't mind the colorful toys attached, play with that boring serious :)
The Johnny Jumper is another fun toy we found while unpacking into our new house. Coop is not exactly jumping in it yet, he does more spinning and pushing buttons to make noise. However, he is constantly moving which made a good picture hard to come by! Just another contraption to keep the little man happy and gives me two hands to do some stuff around the house!
Monday, February 15, 2010
Kansas City Playdates
What a difference a few weeks makes! Last time they were together, they just laid next to one another while we entertained. This time they were both sitting up, played with toys and Cooper kept reaching for Anna. You would never guess she is 6 weeks younger than Coop, she's sitting up and super long!!!

Cooper is always busy in Kansas visiting all of his friends. Thanks everybody, we had so much fun, can't wait until next time!!!
Cereal Times Two
Check out Coop in his highchair!!! He really likes sitting in it to eat and will play with toys in it while I am cooking dinner. He hasn't learned the "drop the toy over the side so mom and dad have to pick it up" game yet. I'm sure it's just a matter of months though. :) After a couple of restless and crying nights on Coop's part, I decided to give him cereal in the morning too. So far, so good...Cooper has done really well with cereal twice a day. He went back to sleeping all night and let's face it, that means it's worth it!
Sunday, February 14, 2010
Valentine's day and night out!
The view from our seats...AMAZING!!!
Celebrating Coach Self's 400th career win!!!
I rarely post anything if it isn't related to Cooper, but I just couldn't help this time!!! Adam got us tickets to the Iowa State game yesterday. We spent an afternoon/night back where it all started in Lawrence with the Stauffers. We went to The Hawk for a couple of beers before the game and it hasn't changed one bit, so fun! My dad and Bryson then joined us for more beers and dinner at Jefferson's on Mass street. Then onto the game, we were lucky enough to have tickets in the 7th ROW....AMAZING! Let's face it...I could go on and on about the game, but I will leave it at that. It was a FANTASTIC Valentine's celebration and again reminded me why I am so happy to be a Jayhawk. We can't wait to take Coop next year! For this year, he got a new Jayhawk tee as a souvenir. ROCK CHALK!!!
Happy Valentine's Day!
Just love that I am finally getting him to look at me and smile (sometimes) for pictures...big accomplishment!
Oh, yes I did go there, homemade Valentines! Those are Cooper's eyes looking thru the holes.
I could just see in Cooper's eyes and blabbering that he really wanted to hand out Valentine's this year and who could resist that sweet smile!?! So, off I went to the Internet to find a cute way to make a card with Coop's picture in it. In other words, I can't take full credit for the card! Coop handed them out to his family and the sweet baby girls in his life.
Hope you all had a sweet Valentine's Day!!! Hugs and kisses to all from Coop!
Monday, February 8, 2010
Our New Crib!
This is what has kept me from blogging recently. We have lots left to do, but have been VERY busy unpacking, organizing, and deep cleaning. Enjoy! *Also, some of you have told me you can't comment to posts, I think I have it figured out. I love to hear your comments!!*

I had visions of posting Cooper's room to the blog and this is NOT what I had envisioned. I thought everything would have a place and pictures would be hung on the wall...then reality hit me! So, this is what Coop's room looks like now and I am totally okay with it!!!

I was probably most excited to unpack Coop's glider! It was my favorite baby related buy and Coop loves it too. It is usually where he falls asleep for naps and bedtime (sometimes me too!).

Notice the missing sock...
Home Sweet Home...for now anyway.
Those of you that know our history, know we haven't lasted longer than 2 years anywhere yet! You just never know where life is going to take you. :) But for now, this is our home and we are loving it. We searched long and hard and refused to settle until we found what we wanted. We also came to the conclusion that there is no perfect house :). I will post more pictures sometime soon of the rest of the house.
For all the family that helped make this move possible...THANK YOU AND WE LOVE YOU!
Grandpa Jones
I know this I have posted this picture once before, but it has even more special meaning now. Adam's Grandpa Jones passed away last week. After living a full 90 years of life, he spent about a week in the hospital before passing away. We are so glad to have this picture of the 4 generations together and that Grandpa Jones was able to meet Cooper.
Sitting up! Rolling over..not so much
In the past week or so, Cooper is really sitting up on his own well. A couple of weeks ago, he would only last a few seconds before tumbling over and he always needed support. Now, he can briefly sit on his own and with his Boppy pillow around him he can play with his toys. I can't believe how much he can change in such a short period of time!
Cooper is spending more and more time on his tummy for a couple of reasons, first he is strong enough to enjoy it and play with toys. The 2nd reason is that I am determined to get this kid rolling over! As I have posted on the blog, he has rolled over before, sometimes several times a day, but only belly to back. He will stay on his tummy up to 30-40 minutes at a time, but has ZERO desire to roll over. I am not really worried about it, I know once he starts I will wish he was immobile again!!

Toes have been discovered!
Cooper has found his toes and is very intriqued by them! When I go to get him up at naptimes, he is usually sockless and during diaper changes, he is often taking his socks off to play with his toes. We have a few pairs of socks that are "Cooper-Proof," but that list is getting shorter.
Friday, February 5, 2010
We are still here...
Just a short post to let you all know we are still here... It has been a busy couple of weeks, hope to add new posts this weekend to fill everybody in. This is Coop tonight, having fun playing with his toys...check out those blue eyes and the milk stain!!!
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